Monday, November 12, 2007


is a good thing. 2 days ago, my wife shot a video of me where, under the influence, I "played" my guitar immitating whichever artist she mentioned. The ones I remember were Nirvana, Nickelback, Blink 182, Linkin Park, and some others I think. I personally believe that all of the above do not make very good music. We did, however, have a very fun time doing the little video. Which brought me to the realization that music is so good, that even bad music can be enjoyed.

I have recently rediscovered Eric Clapton. I am not sure why I stopped listening to his work for a while but it sounds even better than before. The best part about Clapton is that he can make you feel the ultimate mixture of happiness and sadness within the very same song, (At least I feel it.) as opposed to other, more traditional, bluesy artists, where everything is SAD SAD SAD.

Fuck SAD. Life is sad enough. I do not need my escape to be sad. And if it has to be sad, I like to smile at the sadness. Like a lot of Chili Pepper songs about life on drugs and all that stuff that people love to hear about. It's sad, but also incouraging. The Soft Bulletin by the Flaming Lips has a very somber sound to it, but it always lifts my spirits. That's the kind of music that I like.

Dave Navarro is sexy.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Thinking with the side of your brain you never use while fighting purple robots in cowboy hats.

Yeah. It's been a while since I have typed anything in this little thing. That is becuase I don't care that you don't care about what's going on with my life.

I love how things work. One minute you're down and out and ready to throw in the towel. The next you are full of life and ready to go. At one point, I felt like that after doing some drugs. But now I can use love and music and the positive energies in the world to bounce back. It is kind of wierd how a negative and dark energy such as drug abuse can make you so happy while you're on it, and make you feel like complete shit when you come down; yet you still want more and cannot stop. At least now I can use the good things in life to get over tough spots. There is always a guitar to play or some records to listen to or some life to love.

People underestimate love. And I do not mean the "I love this person" kind of love. I mean the kind of love you share with the universe. When you can take the time to slow the fuck down and appriciate things like the sunshine and the birds flying above your head. I believe that is a powerful thing.

Take it easy, internet.

I like dirt

I just came up with the most insane chord progression.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Big Tits Do Not Impress Me

Today I took a computer class. Ok, seriously, maybe this course was relevant in 1990. What is the Start Button? A recycle bin?! The files are in the computer?!

It was not all that bad untill about two hours into class. This girl came in wearing a shirt that seemed two sizes too small. And to make matters worse, she was a complete idiot! She was talking in that, "Like, omg, I'm like, so sorry I'm late.." kind of voice. It was so awful. And that shirt. Lady, we get the point! You pay your plastic surgeon very well. Save it for the morons on South Beach that actually care. At least I got to leave early becuase I finished my assignment (which was supposed to keep me busy for two hours) in 20 minutes. I thought about just testing out of the class but then thought against it. I would get the credit, but I would not get the letter grade to boost up my GPA. I just hope it doesn't get so boring that I just lose interest and stop going.

Now I have to go find some lava.

Peace and love to all

p.s "'Gattaca'?"

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Look, An Indian!

So, today I went to school for the first time in 4 years. My first class is English Compostion. Our teacher is from India. (Hence my clever title.)

The man is quite captivating. I mean, he had such a strange charm about him. His charm was so great that he was making fun of American culture and we were all laughing about it. One girl was pretty dumb about it, saying things like, "Oh. That is our culture." I kept thinking to myself, "Oh shut up, blonde girl number two." (There are three blonde girls in the class. She is number two)

One subject he brought up was really interesting. It was about genetic engineering. It's a thing that allows you to buy a child without any flaws. You come up with a list of traits you want the child to have. Scientists then go ahead and gather people with those traits and go to work on building the babies. Now, don't go rushing to your nearest Wal mart and think you can buy yourself a "Great Value child." These creatures can cost anywhere between $500,000 to $15,000,000. Again, blonde girl number two raised her voice; and again, I felt like throwing hot lava at her.

Now, I don't agree with this practice. I don't think people should be playing God by making babies to their liking. But my problem with blonde girl number two is that she was acting as if our instructor was advocating it. I told him I wanted to make a super hero. People laughed and then it was time to go.

In the end, I learned about genetic engineering, nuclear weapons, the illogical way people live, and I think a little about English.

See you next time.

Monday, January 15, 2007


I'm Erik. I like things like music and power. I dislike, however, the word "like." I have a grammar teacher next to me (my wonderful girlfriend) whom told me, "Uh, the quotation mark goes after the period." Oh look, as I typed out the last sentence (and this one) she pointed out spelling errors. How great!

I am 22 years old and I am starting school for Criminal Justice (concentration in forensics) on January 16. (Tomorrow!) I play guitar, bass, and I pretend to know how to play piano. Aside from music, I also enjoy playing video games and poker. Texas Hold 'Em to be precise.

This is the first entry on my bloggy. You might be able to tell because it is the only one on this page. I am going to be using this to write about things that happen to me and my life. And maybe it will entertain some of you.

See you later, internet.