Friday, February 23, 2007

Thinking with the side of your brain you never use while fighting purple robots in cowboy hats.

Yeah. It's been a while since I have typed anything in this little thing. That is becuase I don't care that you don't care about what's going on with my life.

I love how things work. One minute you're down and out and ready to throw in the towel. The next you are full of life and ready to go. At one point, I felt like that after doing some drugs. But now I can use love and music and the positive energies in the world to bounce back. It is kind of wierd how a negative and dark energy such as drug abuse can make you so happy while you're on it, and make you feel like complete shit when you come down; yet you still want more and cannot stop. At least now I can use the good things in life to get over tough spots. There is always a guitar to play or some records to listen to or some life to love.

People underestimate love. And I do not mean the "I love this person" kind of love. I mean the kind of love you share with the universe. When you can take the time to slow the fuck down and appriciate things like the sunshine and the birds flying above your head. I believe that is a powerful thing.

Take it easy, internet.

I like dirt

I just came up with the most insane chord progression.