Monday, November 12, 2007


is a good thing. 2 days ago, my wife shot a video of me where, under the influence, I "played" my guitar immitating whichever artist she mentioned. The ones I remember were Nirvana, Nickelback, Blink 182, Linkin Park, and some others I think. I personally believe that all of the above do not make very good music. We did, however, have a very fun time doing the little video. Which brought me to the realization that music is so good, that even bad music can be enjoyed.

I have recently rediscovered Eric Clapton. I am not sure why I stopped listening to his work for a while but it sounds even better than before. The best part about Clapton is that he can make you feel the ultimate mixture of happiness and sadness within the very same song, (At least I feel it.) as opposed to other, more traditional, bluesy artists, where everything is SAD SAD SAD.

Fuck SAD. Life is sad enough. I do not need my escape to be sad. And if it has to be sad, I like to smile at the sadness. Like a lot of Chili Pepper songs about life on drugs and all that stuff that people love to hear about. It's sad, but also incouraging. The Soft Bulletin by the Flaming Lips has a very somber sound to it, but it always lifts my spirits. That's the kind of music that I like.